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How to Install Ubuntu Studio LTS and VMware Tools in VMware Workstation 12 Pro.

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Installing open-vm-tools from the Linux vendor’s repository reduces virtual machine and consulting for free and open source software (FOSS) developers. In this article I will show you how to install VMware Tools on an Ubuntu Virtual Machine. I am using Ubuntu Artful Aardvark for the demo. In this article we will demonstrate how to install VMware Workstation 12 on Ubuntu LTS and Linux Mint

How to Install VMware Workstation 12 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint 18.


Access the following url from your web broswer to download trail version of Vmware Workstation 12 on your system. You can change its path as per your requirement. In my case i am keeping as it is. In Case you have the license Key of VMware Workstation12 enter it here otherwise leave it blank for trail version. As we are using trail version of VMware workstation so select the second option and in case you have license key then select the first option.

Hi i did all the steps but the problem is the vmware workstation 12 wont start at all i cliked multiple times even unistalled and installed again ,what should i do? I have the same problem. Check the logs. Since you are installing on Ubuntu, find the installation software for Linux and click on Download Now. Open the terminal from the Downloads folder by right-clicking on the window and selecting Open in Terminal. Before installing any software, make sure to update the package repository with the following command:.

Run the command:. Next, extract the file by typing the command sudo. When it is finished extracting the file, it will automatically open a new window, the VMware Workstation Installer.

Once you have launched the VMware Workstation Installer , go through the steps by selecting your configuration preferences and clicking Next. After it has finished installing, it will display an Installation was successful notification. Open the virtualization software by clicking on the icon. Our recommendation for the next step is to install VMware Tools on Ubuntu which improve video resolution, mouse movement, and adds the ability to share files between a host and guest system.

Your virtual machine should restart into the Ubuntu login screen. Login to Ubuntu with your password as usual. Now, you should install Open VM Tools on the Ubuntu VM for improved performance and features such as clipboard sharing, auto guest resizing, better graphics support etc. Now enjoy Ubuntu. I was born in Bangladesh. Your browser should start downloading the Ubuntu ISO file. It may take a while to complete. Now, you have to select the operating system that you will be installing on the virtual machine.

Now, type in a name for the virtual machine. You may also type in a path or select a directory where the virtual machine data will be saved. Now, click on Browse. The Ubuntu ISO file should be selected.

I will set 4 GB or MB of memory for this virtual machine in this article. The virtual machine should start. As you can see, Ubuntu is starting from the ISO file. Now, select your keyboard layout and click on Continue. Click on Continue.


How to Install VMware Workstation 12 on Ubuntu / Linux Mint 18.GitHub – vmware/open-vm-tools: Official repository of VMware open-vm-tools project

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Install VMware Workstation Player on Ubuntu LTS – Linux Shout – Primary Sidebar

1. Open VMware Workstation, VMware Player or the vSphere client on your local machine. · 2. Open your Ubuntu VM’s console. · 3. Click on the VM. Open the VMware Workstation, Fusion or Player. Start the Ubuntu guest virtual machine. From the VMware menu, click 'Virtual Machine’ -> 'Install.