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Shutdown shortcut windows 10 keyboard free download

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We created a shortcut file you can use on your desktop to launch the Shut Down Windows window with the mouse, without using the Alt + F4. 2. The Alt + F4 Sleep Mode Shortcut. As you might know, pressing Alt + F4 closes the current app window, just like clicking the X in.

How to shut down a computer with shortcuts | Digital Trends – Option 1: Shut down Windows 10 normally from Start menu


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Shutdown shortcut windows 10 keyboard free download

We created a shortcut file you can use on your desktop to launch the Shut Down Windows window with the mouse, without using the Alt + F4. 2. The Alt + F4 Sleep Mode Shortcut. As you might know, pressing Alt + F4 closes the current app window, just like clicking the X in.


Shutdown shortcut windows 10 keyboard free download. Best Keyboard Shortcuts to Shut Down Your Windows 10 PC


Another version of Windows, another silly three-click process just to shut down your PC. Here are some faster alternatives. Rick Broida is the author of numerous books and thousands of reviews, features and blog posts. He lives in Michigan, where he previously owned two escape rooms chronicled in the ebook „I Was a Middle-Aged Zombie”.

It must be a point of pride in Redmond that even after all these years, you still have to click „Start” to shut down your computer. Granted, the Start button is no longer labeled that way, having evolved into a Windows-logo button back in Vista. But that’s still what it’s calledand still how Microsoft refers to it. So even in Windows 10, you have to click „Start” to shut down your PC. Then you click Power, and finally Shut Down.

I’ll never understand why Microsoft has steadfastly refused to add a one-click Shut Down button to the desktop. Fortunately, there are faster ways to turn off your computer.

/562.txt you’re ready to shut down your PC, why not just press the power button? Why узнать больше здесь, indeed! Except that on most computers, that button comes preprogrammed to do something else: put the machine into sleep mode.

To remedy that, click in Windows 10’s Search field, type powerand then click Power Options in the search results that appear. Next, in the list of options on the left, click „Choose what /1392.txt power buttons do. Click that menu, then choose Shut Down. Click the „Save changes” button and you’re done! Now, whenever you press the power button, your PC should immediately shut down.

If your PC’s power button is inconveniently located, or you’re just feeling indignant about Windows’ three-click shutdown process, you can add a shutdown нажмите сюда to your desktop. In вот ссылка Location field that appears, paste in the following:. Then click Boom 3d review windows free download and finish the shortcut shutdown shortcut windows 10 keyboard free download.

Now you’ve got a Shutdown icon; one double-click and it’s buh-bye, Windows. You can also drag it to the Taskbar for single-click shutdown goodness. Читать больше you right-click the Start button, you’ll see a lengthy pop-up shortcut menu — shutdown shortcut windows 10 keyboard free download „Shut down or sign out” right near the bottom. Mouse over that option and then click „Shut down.

An oldie but goodie, pressing Alt-F4 brings up a Windows shut-down menu, with the shut-down option already selected by default. Is 4gb enough windows 10 free download can click the pull-down menu for other options, like Switch User and Hibernate.

Then just press Enter and you’re done. Take note, however, that this works only when извиняюсь, camera laptop lenovo windows 10 этом viewing the desktop.

Alt-F4 is actually a global „close” command, so if you’re not at the desktop, it will close whatever program is currently active. Still, for folks who prefer a keyboard command to reaching for the mouse, this is a quick two-step.

Let’s shutdown shortcut windows 10 keyboard free download it in the comments! Your guide to a better future. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? No, thank you Accept. Tech Computing. Rick Broida. Rick Broida Senior Editor. Option 1: Reprogram the power button When you’re ready to shut down your PC, why not just press the power button? Option 2: Add your own shutdown shortcut If your PC’s power button is inconveniently located, or you’re just feeling indignant about Windows’ three-click shutdown process, you can add a shutdown shortcut to your desktop.

Option shutdown shortcut windows 10 keyboard free download Remember to right-click If you right-click the Start button, you’ll see a lengthy pop-up shortcut menu — with „Shut down or sign out” right near the bottom. The results of right-clicking the Start button. Receive expert tips on using phones, computers, smart home gear and more.

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