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Click the Side Chain or Output button to view and use the parameters in each group. See Compressor output parameters and Compressor side chain parameters. Lumina Reference Manual. Swing More! Quick Start. Sabm User Guide v1 1. LASS 2. Capsule User Guide Bst Main. HP Proliant. Chord Progression example. Diy Bass Traps Made Easy. Vyzor G-Sharp User’s Guide. Pick Guardian Neck Radius Gauges.

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This means the detection signal is no longer based on the highest level of either stereo side, but based on a summed input signal. Since such a summed input signal means that any anti-phase signal will be removed or reduced since the sum is a mono signal it results in less compression than it would have done otherwise. This is an extreme example of course.

This one is more grabby and it’s a lot more noisy, which can work well on some types of sounds, like a snare drum that needs smash and grit. And no, you can’t do the all-buttons-in trick on this FET either. Although it’s got a small amount of noise, it’s actually quite clean during sustained compression.

The spectrograph is a bit misleading here, the spectrogram above it paints a better picture. Often used on vocals, bass, and with slow gentle settings on piano. It’s especially well suited for levelling a vocal. Many times it’s used in series with an LN to obtain serial compression, e. Not a bad algorithm at all. This is the „Hidden frequency dependency” parameter, aka.

It’s not a simple parameter to measure since it also depends on the attack and release time and of course the total amount of gain reduction. If you want to see it in action, open a Test Oscillator with a sine tone. Then insert the Vintage Opto, set a high ratio, use a slow attack and fairly quick release, then adjust threshold for dB of gain reduction.

Now sweep the oscillator from 20 Hz to 20 kHz and you will see a big difference i. Try adjusting the attack and release parameter. That’s really interesting, have you considered putting a 'Most suitable for.. If you had that on there it’d be worth printing and putting up on a wall for reference as it helps techies and newbies 'less-techies’ too?

I have considered that, yes. Basically I could condense the „What’s it good for” sections I have written above. However, I hesitate to do so because Let me know what you think, guys. Now a two page PDF with graphics and practical usage tips.

Ready to print and put on the wall or keep near your computer. In the upper right corner of the Compressor plug-in there’s a button named „Side Chain”. Click this and you’ll see some new options under „Detection”.

All the other circuits have fixed peak detection, except the Vintage Opto which has fixed RMS-style detection. It’s also under these „Side Chain” options you’ll find the ability to switch between Max and Sum detection, as well as activate the built-in side-chain filter.

Max detection means that the loudest level of either stereo side will trigger compression. Sum means that the two sides of the stereo image is folded down to mono and this summed signal is used for detection. This is especially useful when a compressor is strapped across the full mix and you don’t want it to over-compress during a loud, wide chorus.

The side-chain filter can be used to manipulate the compressor into reacting less or more to certain frequency content. Filtering out frequencies will make the compressor less sensitive to those frequencies HP or LP or cutting with a parametric or shelf while boosting with a parametric or shelf will make the compressor react more to those frequencies.

It’s important to understand that the compressor is still compressing the full frequency broadband signal – there’s no multiband compression going on. You’re only manipulating the detection circuit. It’s a common misunderstanding about the side-chain. The side-chain is simply the signal chain that’s feeding the control circuit in the compressor or at least in a feed-forward compressor design.

An external side-chain is when you substitute the regular input signal and feed the compressor an external signal instead. This is called external side-chain compression or ducking. It’s a lazy use of the words when people refer to external side-chain compression as side-chain compression. This leads a lot of people to misunderstand what the side-chain really is.

So when you manipulate the side-chain you’re manipulating the input signal being fed to the control circuit – whether it’s internal or external. Logic It’s ok, i can verify my age as the tape browns over time.



Logic pro x compressor cheat sheet free download

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